Player Selection Process
I) Nominations/Player Eligibility.
A. Player Eligibility
1) Eligible players must be a High School Senior in the school year preceding that year's game. (i.e. player must be a Senior in the class of 2025 to play in the 2025 Kansas Shrine Bowl.)
2) Players must play in at least four games during their senior season.
B. Nomination Guidelines
1) Players may only be nominated by their High School Head Coach or Athletic Director.
2) All nominations must be submitted, via the online form sent to all coaches, prior to the nomination deadline set each year based upon the specific year's calendar.
C. Selection Guidelines
1) Both East and West selected rosters must include at least one non-11-man player.
2) No more than two players may be selected from the same school, and no more than three schools may have more than one player on the selected roster.
II) Selection Guidelines for Media.
A. Statewide Media Voting
1) All statewide media members are encouraged to participate in the selection ballot. Voting information is sent via email to statewide media contacts in late November. To inquire about receiving a ballot, please email [email protected]. Ballots are only available online.
2) Following a statewide media vote, a media sub-committee consisting of sports media representatives from all regions of Kansas will meet to break any ties and validate vote totals to determine the top 22 players for each team with consideration for both Head Coach’s positional needs.
B. Media Selection Guidelines
1) Only players on the nomination list accumulated by the Kansas Shrine Bowl Office from coaches' nominations will be eligible for selection.
2) Media member votes will be cast by position group.
3) There may be up to 2 players voted on from the same school, with a maximum of 2 schools receiving multiple player votes.
4) Partial ballots may be considered in the count if no regional or local bias is evident.
5) The media selected team will consist of the top 11 offensive vote getters and the top 11 defensive vote getters, with consideration to positional needs and additional eligibility criteria, based on the Kansas Shrine Bowl east-west dividing line (the line created by the eastern boundaries of the following counties: Washington, Riley, Geary, Morris, Chase, Greenwood, Elk, and Chautauqua).
6) To be in the tally, ballots must be completed and received via the online form by the posted deadline.
7) A statewide Player Selection Show, featuring the selected players, will be released on January 1st at 10:00 am at An official news release will also be provided to all participating media members following the Player Selection Show.
III) Selection Guidelines for Kansas Shrine Bowl Assistant Coaches.
A. Assistant coaches will each select two players for their squad.
1) Players must be on the nomination list.
2) Only one player per school is eligible for assistant coach selections
3) Players selected must be from the coach’s own school size classification. Both selections should be the best players from their size classification, not already selected by the media with consideration for the needs of the team. Better, more qualified players should not be by-passed in favor of a coach’s own team player but certainly their own nominated players are eligible to be selected in this policy.
B. Assistant coaches will be responsible to help the head coach select needed replacement players by team need, from the list of
nominated players.
IV) Selection Guidelines for Kansas Shrine Bowl Head Coaches.
A. Head coaches will each select six players for their squad.
1) The Head Coach should analyze the media selections and advise the assistant coaches immediately of the team needs by
position, so they may help fill the needs as they make their selections.
2) Players selected must be on the nomination list.
3) The Head Coach’s selections may be from any school size classification.
B. Head Coaches will select four additional players from geographically defined zones (geographic zones are determined by the Kansas Shrine Bowl Board of Directors).
1) Selections may be from any school size classification within the defined geographic zone.
2) Players selected must be on the nomination list.
3) Selections must be from a school not already represented, unless the maximum of three schools with multiple players selected has not been reached, in which case a selected player may be from an already represented school.
C. In the case of selected player dropping out at any point prior to the game. The Head Coach will be responsible for selecting a replacement player, by team need, from the original nomination list. In order to be eligible as a replacement player, the player must be on the original nomination list.
A. Player Eligibility
1) Eligible players must be a High School Senior in the school year preceding that year's game. (i.e. player must be a Senior in the class of 2025 to play in the 2025 Kansas Shrine Bowl.)
2) Players must play in at least four games during their senior season.
B. Nomination Guidelines
1) Players may only be nominated by their High School Head Coach or Athletic Director.
2) All nominations must be submitted, via the online form sent to all coaches, prior to the nomination deadline set each year based upon the specific year's calendar.
C. Selection Guidelines
1) Both East and West selected rosters must include at least one non-11-man player.
2) No more than two players may be selected from the same school, and no more than three schools may have more than one player on the selected roster.
II) Selection Guidelines for Media.
A. Statewide Media Voting
1) All statewide media members are encouraged to participate in the selection ballot. Voting information is sent via email to statewide media contacts in late November. To inquire about receiving a ballot, please email [email protected]. Ballots are only available online.
2) Following a statewide media vote, a media sub-committee consisting of sports media representatives from all regions of Kansas will meet to break any ties and validate vote totals to determine the top 22 players for each team with consideration for both Head Coach’s positional needs.
B. Media Selection Guidelines
1) Only players on the nomination list accumulated by the Kansas Shrine Bowl Office from coaches' nominations will be eligible for selection.
2) Media member votes will be cast by position group.
3) There may be up to 2 players voted on from the same school, with a maximum of 2 schools receiving multiple player votes.
4) Partial ballots may be considered in the count if no regional or local bias is evident.
5) The media selected team will consist of the top 11 offensive vote getters and the top 11 defensive vote getters, with consideration to positional needs and additional eligibility criteria, based on the Kansas Shrine Bowl east-west dividing line (the line created by the eastern boundaries of the following counties: Washington, Riley, Geary, Morris, Chase, Greenwood, Elk, and Chautauqua).
6) To be in the tally, ballots must be completed and received via the online form by the posted deadline.
7) A statewide Player Selection Show, featuring the selected players, will be released on January 1st at 10:00 am at An official news release will also be provided to all participating media members following the Player Selection Show.
III) Selection Guidelines for Kansas Shrine Bowl Assistant Coaches.
A. Assistant coaches will each select two players for their squad.
1) Players must be on the nomination list.
2) Only one player per school is eligible for assistant coach selections
3) Players selected must be from the coach’s own school size classification. Both selections should be the best players from their size classification, not already selected by the media with consideration for the needs of the team. Better, more qualified players should not be by-passed in favor of a coach’s own team player but certainly their own nominated players are eligible to be selected in this policy.
B. Assistant coaches will be responsible to help the head coach select needed replacement players by team need, from the list of
nominated players.
IV) Selection Guidelines for Kansas Shrine Bowl Head Coaches.
A. Head coaches will each select six players for their squad.
1) The Head Coach should analyze the media selections and advise the assistant coaches immediately of the team needs by
position, so they may help fill the needs as they make their selections.
2) Players selected must be on the nomination list.
3) The Head Coach’s selections may be from any school size classification.
B. Head Coaches will select four additional players from geographically defined zones (geographic zones are determined by the Kansas Shrine Bowl Board of Directors).
1) Selections may be from any school size classification within the defined geographic zone.
2) Players selected must be on the nomination list.
3) Selections must be from a school not already represented, unless the maximum of three schools with multiple players selected has not been reached, in which case a selected player may be from an already represented school.
C. In the case of selected player dropping out at any point prior to the game. The Head Coach will be responsible for selecting a replacement player, by team need, from the original nomination list. In order to be eligible as a replacement player, the player must be on the original nomination list.